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Hong Kong Arts Festival 2016 -The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series



wǒ-mén, "we" in Chinese, loosely homophonous with "women", explores how could the identities and roles of the "other" gender(s) can assume in an open space. 

"What is within, myself, and what is outside, separate." -Iris Marion Young

Prompted by this call for philosophical reflection, choreographer Cai Ying invites the audience to explore with her the interiors of the mind where everything is absurd and beyond reason, as she also seeks to disclose the affective conditions and dimensions of female embodied consciousness as shaped by social pressures and dynamics.

編舞的話 Choreographer’s Note 

Written from the Good Nest hostel in Dulan Village, Taidong, Taiwan
November 12, 2015, 11:10 pm: 



“what is within, myself, and what is outside, separate”?-- Iris Marion Young 

忘了從甚麼時候,創作不再是一個目標,「她」是生命渡過的方式。正在經歷這次旅程的自己,感受到與以往不同的是一種由內到外的探索。或許這就像打開一個窗口,將問題與情緒送到你面前,讓作為獨立個體之間的理解和不理解縮短距離。I forgot when creation ceased to be a goal for me. “She” is a way of living. Going through this journey, I experience something new: an exploration from the inside out. Maybe it’s an opening through which emotion reaches outside the self, bridging the distance between comprehension and incomprehension.

「be」和「become」。「她」從來是流動的,既分離亦同存。“be” and “become”, they are fluid, they are separate and coexist at the same time. 

在曖昧混沌的界線具備批判性思考並欣賞「她」的錯綜複雜,有時候真讓我頭暈,天啊!每個人都是怪胎,每個人都是天使,你我說不準都是都蘭海上浮沉的一塊漂流木。In this chaos, it makes me dizzy to cast a critical yet admiring glance at“Her” complexity. My goodness! Everybody is a freak; everybody is an angel. You and I may be a piece of wood drifting in the sea by Dulan.

感謝Alice Rensy、肖呈泳、盧韻淇及林曦在我創作成長道路上的幫助與支持。
I would like to thanks all the helps and support from Alice Rensy, Sarah Xiao, Wiki Lo and Lindsay Lin. 

“Cai Ying’s wǒ-mén is a rare exploration into shifting cultural identities, and (lesbian) gender identity and embodied consciousness.”    Natalia Chan
“蔡穎的《wǒ-mén》,罕有地探討游離的文化身份、(女同) 性別認同與身體意識,很喜歡雙人舞的編演、tomato 的借喻,最後的彩虹燈光呈現「同志平權」的追求,提升了作品的理念層次與情感向度!   洛枫

“I really enjoyed the liveliness in this work, especially when Cai Ying starts a robotic vacuum cleaner on stage and lets it dance; while the humorous actions of the horse-headed Xiao are effective as well.”   William Chan <dance journal /hk, issue no. 18-2>

編舞 / 舞者 Choreographer / Dancer: 蔡穎 Cai Ying
舞者 Dancer: 肖呈泳 Sarah Xiao
燈光設計 Lighting Designer: 吳文安 Goh Boon-ann
佈景統籌 Set Coordinator: 王健偉 Jan Wong @Jan
助理燈光設計 Lighting Designer Assistant:陸宏樂 Luk Wang-lok
音響設計 Sound designer: 夏恩蓓 Ha Yan-pui
製作經理 Production Manager: 李菁菁 Li Ching-ching
技術監督 Technical Manager: 周怡 Eva Chau
舞台監督 Stage Manager: 黃潔釵 Janet Wong
執行舞台監督 Deputy Stage Manager: 孔稜斯 Carmen Hung
助理舞台監督 Assistant Stage Manager: 吳德輝 Ng Tak-fai
助理舞台監督 Assistant Stage Manager: 余惠琳 Muijai Yu

by Jesse Clockwork
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